Am I happy to pay my bills?


I’ve finally done it.

I’ve turned my money mentality around this year! I’m telling you I’m happy to pay my bills now—it was weird to say it out loud at first, but now I feel genuinely delighted to pay and to consciously release my money into the world.


Let me tell you why:

1) I now actually have the money to pay them and am grateful (last year was rough, friends!)

2) I know my money loves movement—it’s called “Currency” for a reason and has value and life for me only when it’s being used.

3) I know that when I give, I always receive back. There’s always more where that came from and I can release and receive!

So yes, I am making a conscious and thoughtful choice on where to send my money as usual, but it’s now coming from a place of thankfulness and expectation, instead of worry and sacrifice.

So here are a few money lessons I’ve learned this past year and I trust it will help you too:

  1. Seems simple but whatever you focus on will come to you.

    If you are anything like I was, you’re looking at your list of bills, debts, payments, fix-it projects, school payments and trying to figure out HOW to pay everything. What I was focusing on (rightly, at least that’s what I told myself) was “making things work”. But the truth was that it wasn’t really working because I kept receiving more bills and debt. I should have been focusing much more on INCOME GENERATION and GROWTH and how that feels before I actually receive it. Paying bills should take about 5% of your time and the other 95% should be focused on growing your income (ref. Grant Cardone).

  2. Choosing to be thankful and positive when paying your bills is a conscious decision.

    Say it out loud and verbalize the reason why you are grateful: “I am so happy to pay this large school bill BECAUSE my daughter is learning amazing skills at school right now, lessons for the rest of her life and I am so thankful and excited to invest in my family this way.” I am grateful we have the finances to pay our bills and even our taxes (gulp) — because we are increasing our income, therefore we are increasing our conscious choices. It’s not about losing the money; it’s more about releasing the money to use it on the things on which I want to use it.

    Focus more on the value your money brings to you (abundance) instead of what you’re losing (sacrifice).

  3. Think of ways that will make you happy to release your money differently. Here are a couple of examples I’m currently using:

    1. Can you pay someone ahead in full to receive a discount? (You’re helping them to get the cash up front so it’s a win-win!)

    2. Can you set up automatic payments with joy then release them? (When we accidentally pay late, we get pinged with late fees and increase the negative feelings around paying bills, so it’s a relief to know you can let the bank take care of those payments for you.)

  4. Make a big INCOME goal, something that is seemingly out of range and impossible right now. Stop thinking about HOW you’re going to do it. That will work itself out later. You need to just focus on the WHAT and your mind will re-wire itself subconsciously to make the HOW happen. You will suddenly begin seeing opportunities where they weren’t showing up before. (HINT: They were there before, but you probably weren’t aware of them at the time.)

Are you happy to pay your bills too?

If not yet, are you willing to choose to try a different way? I’m so glad I’ve made this change - it’s opened up so much more space for me emotionally. I love it!!

