The TOP 5 Surprising—yet Simple—Systems you must have in place in order to grow your business.

Why are you really hitting that revenue glass ceiling in your business right now?

You’re great at working IN your business and now it’s time to work ON your business.

When clients I’m working with first discover they don’t really know their numbers (they’re just feeling into it intuitively), they don’t know how much profit each service or product is actually producing, they don’t know their 5-year plan, they don’t know how to handle difficult staff or client conversations or they think it will just work itself out eventually if they are a business owner with integrity, I get excited to know there’s just so much money sitting on the table. They just need to see exactly where it is.

I’m here to say: you can be a business owner with integrity and still make a ton of money. 

Making money is easy (especially if you are a business owner providing a high quality and needed product or service)…but this will happen only when you have the proper systems in place:

  1. Vision, Values, Differentiator: Seems old hat, right? But the truth is there are enough money and clients to go around. So money isn’t really the issue: it’s more about what humans you want to work with and to service. If you are attracting clients with the same values as you this is more likely to bring real connection and true success for you both.

  2. Consistent team communication: What I’m proposing here is not the “put a fork in my eye” type of staff meeting. The kind I teach about is personal, powerful, holds everyone accountable and is succinct. 

  3. Graduated plans and milestones: Some business owners live day to day and some are always looking 10 years ahead. Which is better? BOTH. Make the long-term plans and break them down appropriately into important milestones, then assign them each to a lead team member. 

  4. True accountability: No more leading through fear. Today, most employees leave their jobs or positions because of uncommunicated expectations by their leader, creating a toxic work environment. You must lead through open information and make it fair; give people a choice. Then they will actually stay on task. This form of self accountability inside a team is the most effective way to get everything completed and move the company forward.

  5. Process Documentation: Is it difficult or confusing to bring someone onto the team? Are clients confused about the next step to take with your company? Are you answering the same questions over and over? If so, you may have a process documentation issue and need to take the time to map out and write down your systems. You will be surprised to find that either staff or clients don’t know as much as you think they do. When people know “what’s next” they will feel secure to buy from you; they will trust you. Trust is earned and process documentation is the bedrock of every successful and trustworthy business. 

These are just the top 5 systems to implement immediately in order to grow your business and save your sanity while doing it. But there is so much more!

I offer monthly Fractional COO-Integrator services for business owners who are looking to break through to their next level. (By the way, it’s completely normal to hit a revenue plateau in your business cycle.) I would join your team part time and work with you to set all systems up, from start to finish. I run the weekly meetings for you and hold everyone accountable. Then I train your right-hand person to step in to take it over once it is running smoothly. Considering I would be adding 5-6 figures to your revenue in the next 6 months, my monthly packages start at $2700; we customize based on your individual business needs.

If you’re a 6-7 figure business owner who can relate to any of the above and you know you need to begin working on your business to grow even more, Message me HERE to have a chat to see if it could be a good fit to work together.

“This experience was beyond what I imagined. Cassie made me think of things I never realized I could do to help not only my numbers and business, but also my sanity as a business owner. She has motivated me more in two sessions than I could ever have imagined! Cassie helped me to make changes sooner than later, to know my value and to charge for that. This was so powerful for my business because I did not realize how much I was doing as an owner and now I know exactly what to delegate.” 

- Colette Tomasi,

Cassandra Saquing