Take my Million-Dollar Money Quiz: When you're not making enough income, this may be what's holding you back.


What do you really believe about YOUR money?

Are you frustrated that you’re not making enough, even though you’re working really hard and doing “all the things?”

Is there something secretly holding you back that you just can’t put your finger on but feel it anyway?

Often times, we look at the symptom instead of the real issue and how to overcome it.

Take my Million-Dollar Money Quiz below to find out exactly what’s keeping you stuck!

Million-Dollar Money Quiz:

 If you’re not not making as much as you want, there may be some limiting factors and deep-seated beliefs that you aren’t even aware of consciously. 

 Most people aren’t aware of their money story and just keep doing the wrong things on repeat because it’s a habit or it feels safe. Too often we focus on the symptom instead of the root cause.

Take a look at your actions, which reveal what you really believe. 

Write down your thoughts to the questions that resonate with you the most.

1. Symptom - “If I could learn just one more thing: funnels, ads, tech, etc.”

Real belief: Broke entrepreneur mindset spending on random trainings instead of a system

2. Symptom - Constantly overspending? 

Real belief: That’s fear of the future thinking. 

3. Symptom - Feel safer staying in debt? 

Real belief: You’re actually scared of becoming successful.

4. Symptom - Risk-averse? Is your first answer always “No” and fear-based?

Real belief: Your belief in yourself and your abilities isn’t epic enough yet. You also may be scared of being in the spotlight.

5. Symptom - Feel guilty about desiring more abundance in your and your family’s life? 

Real belief: You have scarcity thinking and don’t believe God has enough for everyone else as well as you. Generosity may be hard for you as you cling to every dollar.

6. Symptom - Work really hard—seems like more than anyone else, ignore your own needs and there still isn’t enough money? 

Real belief: You are undervaluing yourself and haven’t clarified your personal superpower yet. (Hence the lack of connection with your dream clients.)

7. Symptom - You don’t take time to know and plan out your money management? 

Real belief: You lack trust in yourself and your abilities. 


So how did you do?

Were there any Ah-Ha moments for you?

Money is only a vehicle for loving your beautiful and abundant life. It’s not the end goal, but so many have come to believe it is leading to feeling jaded, frustrated and burned out. Money will not bring happiness—it’s simply a measuring stick for your effectiveness with your business or clients. It has no emotional value, but so often we place our emotional well-being on how much is in the bank.

So how can you shift your money mindset?

Would you like to be released from that emotional roller-coaster?

How do we know what we really believe?

The answer is that our subconscious beliefs reveal themselves through our physical actions.


So let’s talk about shifting your actions, which will then lead to shifting your beliefs.

  1. Repetition and consistency will create new HABITS.

  2. These habits will then create the WINS that we need!

  3. Which then positively reinforce the new habits.


How many people do you know who say one thing and do another?

Which do you believe? Words or actions?


Let’s create your new mindset, which I call:

The Abundance Behavior Cycle.


Initial step: Awareness of 1 negative feeling and behavior

>> Decision to change behavior

>> Take action

>> Repeat action

>> Create new Habit

>> Receive/achieve positive results

>> Emotions will shift with the habit

>> Go through next behavior shift and repeat.

You can definitely do this Abundance Behavior Cycle on your own, but if you’re feeling stuck over and over and know you need help, sign up for an Abundance Profit Strategy Call with me today. Let’s discuss some of these beliefs and real-world behaviors to replace them.

This is not a high-pressure sales call.

This is an opportunity to discuss you and your situation and how to get un-stuck in your money beliefs. I’d love to talk about if we are a good fit, but if not, at least you can walk away with a strategy to get started on your road to Abundance.

I want you to have the abundance and freedom lifestyle you deserve!

Click here: Abundance Profit Strategy Call

Cheers to your success!


Soul-Centered Financial Transformation Coach

I help you shift your mindset and grow your profits and legacy income automatically!